J cole born a sinner album zippyshare
J cole born a sinner album zippyshare

The “Born Sinner” logo is the shape of the Devil’s head. “.for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6:14. Here is more artwork used for Born Sinner. Cole? Satan?) with devil horns has a crown resting over his head. The artwork for Cole’s album employs symbolism that belies his own statements about the album. It’s using that as canvas to get other messages across and that’s what the album will be.” – J. I like my album themes to be metaphors because it gives me the freedom to speak about something else that’s going on in my life, so the Born Sinner thing is not about church, it’s not even about religion. “It’s not necessarily a church theme and it’s not really about church. Cole continued the trend in pop culture of using satanic and occult imagery for his new album entitled “Born Sinner.” Cole, a protégé of Jay-Z, one of the biggest promoters of occult imagery and anti-Christian lyrics in entertainment today, is part of a growing number of entertainers who seek to normalize mocking Biblical themes while promoting sinful rebellion to society. Cole says his new album cover has no spiritual meaning.

J cole born a sinner album zippyshare